Iain Glen has joined the cast for the filming of the show's upcoming season in Zumaia, northern Spain.
Another familiar face, who has not been seen for a while on "Game of Thrones", will return in the upcoming season 7 of the hit HBO series. Iain Glen was recently spotted in the Basque Country in northern Spain and has joined the cast on the filming location in Zumaia.
The actor, who plays Jorah Mormont, was filming scenes on the beach with Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos Seaworth) and Joe Dempsie (Gendry). Ditching his yellow shirt for a new outfit, Jorah's finally reunited with Dany after she sent him away to find the cure for his greyscale.
OMC SER JORAH IS HERE! http://pic.twitter.com/sFVRn323Ao
— Purrbot (@PurrbotKitty) October 26, 2016
It's unclear if his greyscale has been cured since his arm was fully covered by his outfit. It appears that Dany will send him away once again with Davos, Jon and Gendry as they were seen preparing a boat while Dany, accompanied by her Dothraki guards, sends them off.
Does this mean Jon Snow is leaving her? *cries* I want them to stay together forever! http://pic.twitter.com/ct2cZfbCQ4
— Purrbot (@PurrbotKitty) October 26, 2016
Loving the Dothraki honor guard. That's *got* to unsettle the Westerosi people. http://pic.twitter.com/fjjTYPF494
— Purrbot (@PurrbotKitty) October 26, 2016
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