DC Films Has Massive Plans for Legion of Doom

Rumors say that DC Films is going to build Legion of Doom slowly through each of their films.

One of the post-credits of "Justice League" showed [SPOILER ALERT!] Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) escaping from his confinement and meeting Deathstroke (Joe Manganiello), to which Luthor said that both of them should make a league of their own. The statement leads to a speculation that DC Films is building a villainous counterpart of Justice League, which is Legion of Doom.

Sources close to Warner Bros. told El Fanboy that the speculation is true. The studio is moving forward to building the team slowly, presumably staging them to team up in "Justice League 2". "Legion of Doom is happening. Not an LOD movie, but building towards the team. Watch Manganiello. He has pretty much been blatant," said the source.

"They're working on something cool for SDCC [San Diego Comic-Con] 18, related to LOD. They want to continue planting seeds and building momentum for the team. Things will be generally quiet on the DC front until Aquaman hype begins, but I can tell you that there will be another LOD tag at the end of that," the source continued.

The source could be right. DC Films may realize that it takes time to introduce characters, especially the bad guys, and give them characterization before bringing them all together. Putting all characters in one film without much explanation may leave a melodramatic impression and lead to similar disappointment in "Justice League".

This move is a good strategy for DC Films to win the market. While Marvel Studios keeps on building stories that culminate in superhero team-up films, DC Films will provide an interesting counter-hero twists in each of their post-credit scenes that will end up in a villain team-up story.

It may not take too much time to see how the Legion of Doom is going to be introduced. "Aquaman", which comes to U.S. theaters on October 5, 2018, is going to introduce Black Manta. Additionally, there is no known release date for "Deathstroke", but it is likely that the film is now in production, judging from Manganiello's Twitter post. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is also on board to play Black Adam, Shazam's arch-nemesis. All in all, fans just have to patiently wait until the next films from DC in order to find out more about the studio's plan.

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