The 25-year-old actor revealed how he once passed wind while working with the Oscar winner in the 2004 animated holiday film.
"I had the most embarrassing moment, I think, of my entire life. I haven't really told anybody until now," the actor began. "We're shooting this scene where he's playing the hobo and he's on top of the train, skiing down, and I'm nestled under him, and we're like, 'Whoa, this is crazy.' And I farted. I farted in the scene, it happened, I did it, and instead of playing it cool, Tom Hanks is like, 'Whoa, whoa, oh my God, this kid, what the heck,' " the actor described.
Hutcherson was only 9 years old when he was filming the 2004 animated film, and it was the actor's first high-profile film. "It was crazy, it was my first big movie, I was like nine years old and I was working with Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks and all these people," said Hutcherson.
Even though the "Zathura" star thought that the incident was funny and he considered it "a rite of passage," 9-year-old Hutcherson felt terribly anxious at that time. "It was a rite of passage and looking back on it, it was very funny, but at that moment, I thought my face was gonna just start sweating blood."
Hutcherson was on Corden's show to promote his new TV show, Seth Rogen-exec produced "Future Man". The entire first season is currently available for streaming on Hulu. "Future Man" is a comedy that follows the story of a hospital janitor who plays an unbeatable game called "Biotic Wars" all the time. When he beats the game, visitors from the future ask him to help them save the world.
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