Twitter Mocks Disney's Animatronic Version of Donald Trump: It's 'Scarier Than the Real Thing'

'Take the family to Disney's Hall of Presidents for nightmares that will last a lifetime,' tweets one user after Trump's 'creepy' new animatronic figure was added to the Hall of Presidents.

Walt Disney World has added President Donald Trump's new animatronic figure to the Hall of Presidents, and the internet is not having it. Many on Twitter ridiculed the animatronic version of the 45th POTUS after the Orlando, Florida, theme park announced the Hall of Presidents ride would reopen at the Magic Kingdom on Tuesday, December 19.

Similar to his 43 predecessors, Trump also speaks. As seen in a video posted on Disney's site on Monday, robot Trump says, "From the beginning, America has been a nation defined by its people. At our founding, it was the American people who rose up to defend our freedoms and win our independence. It was why our Founders began our great Constitution with three very simple words: We the people. Since that moment, each generation of Americans has taken its place in the defense of our freedom, our flag, and our nation under God."

"These are the achievements of the American spirit -- the spirit of a people who fought and died to bring the blessings of liberty to all our people," he continues. "Above all, to be American is to be an optimist -- to believe that we can always do better -- and that the best days of our great nation are still ahead of us. It's a privilege to serve as the President of the United States, to stand here among so many great leaders of our past, and to work on behalf of the American people."

Following the announcement that Trump has been added to the historic Hall of Presidents production, people went into a frenzy over the animatronic's facial appearance and speech, with one Twitter user joking about the "scary" appearance of the figure. "That Trump animatronic looks scarier than the real thing," wrote the user.

"My main concern about Hall of Presidents reopening with the current President is the safety of guests and cast members. And that's sad that I have such concerns," another person sarcastically tweeted.

One other said, "Take the family to Disney's Hall of Presidents for nightmares that will last a lifetime."

Another similarly wrote, "Disney's Trump robot is as creepy as you'd expect."

Some others pointed out that the 71-year-old controversial president's figure bore a resemblance to Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight. "Disney gave the job of Trump in the Hall of Presidents to Jon Voight and I can't stop laughing," one tweeted.

Another wrote, "It's weird how the Trump robot at the Hall of Presidents is Trump from an HBO movie five years from now where he's played by Jon Voight."

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