Disney Prepares for the Worst for 'Solo: A Star Wars Story', Thinks It Will Bomb

Words are the Disney execs anticipate that the film is going to be a 'car crash' and a massive 'bomb' with Alden Ehrenreich's bad acting and the 'unworkable' script.

Following the departure of Phil Lord and Chris Miller as directors of "Solo: A Star Wars Story", fans have been wondering if the standalone movie will be able to keep up with its predecessors. Apparently, fans are not the only ones who are anxious about the film as Disney has already prepared for the worst about the Han Solo movie.

A source close to the film's production tells ScreenGeek, "Disney is bracing themselves for the Han Solo movie to bomb. They were worried about it before all 'The Last Jedi' controversy, but now they're essentially writing Solo off."

The director shakeup isn't the only factor that may cause the movie's doom. Alden Ehrenreich's bad acting and the script are allegedly also blamed for it. "The lead actor, Alden Ehrenreich, can't act, and they had a dialogue coach on hand for all of his scenes. On top of that, the script is unworkable," the source adds. "It's going to be a car crash."

While the authenticity of the source cannot be confirmed, the latest rumor is backed up a report that circulated online back in June about the production team having hired an acting coach for lead actor Ehrenreich, who plays the iconic smuggler.

Ron Howard was brought in to replace Phil Lord and Chris Miller following the duo's exit. The "A Beautiful Mind" director reportedly had to reshoot "nearly all" of the film, doubling its budget. "The reshoots ended up covering nearly all of 'Han Solo', all of the film, and potentially up to twice the budget," said sources close to the production in October. "We're hearing that [Howard] reshot potentially 80 percent or more of the movie."

Michael K. Williams was dropped from the movie as part of the reshoot, with Paul Bettany being tapped to replace him. Other stars on board the film are Donald Glover as Han's friend Lando Calrissian, Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca, Woody Harrelson as Han's mentor Beckett and Emilia Clarke as a new character named Kira. The "Star Wars" spin-off is due out May 25, 2018 in United States.

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