That's Fast! Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky Are Reportedly Done

The 'Hunger Games' actress reportedly turned her director boyfriend off with a raunchy joke she made in her recent interview with Vanity Fair magazine.

It's just been a few weeks since Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky started dating, but they have reportedly broken up. According to a new Radar Online article, the two's hot romance is "already cooling down" after she made a raunchy joke in her recent interview with Vanity Fair.

Speaking about her irrational fears, J.Law told the magazine that she's afraid Zika virus could turn her private parts into a "wet sponge" and prevent her from eventually having kids, something that happens in a Kurt Vonnegut short story.

"I don't know, if you've ever read the Kurt Vonnegut short story where everyone has to take these pills that make your private parts feel like wet sponges and, then nobody can have sex and no one can procreate. And so by the time I'm older, and I'm like, 'I think I want to be a mother,' they're like, 'You can't. Your private part feels like a sponge,' " she told the magazine.

While lots of her fans found her remarks funny, Lawrence's director boyfriend apparently didn't. A Radar Online source said that the joke actually turned Aronofsky off because he has "a 10-year-old son to think about."

"It's not been anywhere near the serious relationship it's being made out to be," the source said of the two lovebirds. "He finds her a little immature and was pretty horrified by her 'wet sponge' private parts comment to Vanity Fair."

However, all the claims above turn out to be untrue. After the breakup report was published, Gossip Cop investigated and learned from a source close to the situation that the pair were still together. The source went on saying that the Radar Online story was just "so dumb."


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